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Africa our time is now

Do the world’s leaders and policymakers even know what we need to survive this changing world?

It’s time to challenge policymakers to do something about climate injustice in Africa.

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WE!ARE puts Africa – and specifically our vulnerable, disenfranchised, marginalised, disabled and indigenous communities – at the front of climate change solutions.

WE!ARE calls on Africa’s youth to show the world who you really are, and what your climate justice needs are, through art and creativity.

WE!ARE is reaching out to artists, activists, leaders and citizens with a passion for music, art, fashion and storytelling to use these mediums to make your voices heard, and turn the world’s attention to Africa.

WE!ARE is also inspiring young people from vulnerable communities to take climate action by participating in workshops, showcases, and inclusive partnerships.

Join us and help create the Africa you want to see.